Monday, February 5, 2007

Why I'm taking this course....

I decided to take Environmental Resource Management out of personal interest. As of now, I don’t plan on continuing after high school in environmentally related studies, but I do have an interest in the environment. Though, I may possibly take environmental courses as electives in university. Basically, I decided to take this course in hope to better educate myself on the environment and the earth’s resources.

Out of this course, I hope to gain a better understanding of the environmental problems that are prominent in around the world today. As well, the idea of how people can possibly manage resources is quite interesting and would be a neat topic to learn about. Last, it would be great to learn how possibly the problems in our environment could be stopped and or prevented in the future.

As for concerns that I have for the environment, the big one that everyone seems to be becoming more aware of these days, is global warming. I think that people should be made very aware of this problem, and work together to prevent it from progressing drastically. Also, the topic of air quality and the atmosphere is interesting and it is a concern of which I have become aware. Now, I don’t know that much about it, but I’d love to gain in-site into it through this course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey erin,
sweet blog, it is very honest and i enjoy honesty. No seriously I also liked learning about your future aspirations.

Way to go!!!!!