Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Unusual Winter Temperatures

I do believe that this winter has been hallmarked in Ontario as a strange winter due to the lack of snow, creating a "green Christmas", then rebounding in January with incredibly low local temperatures.

My opinion on global warming is that global warming is a very real thing, and should be a concern for everyone globally. I’ve noticed that in the last few years, more awareness of the environment has been being spread throughout the media. This includes magazine and television advertisements by the government and environmental foundations, articles in the newspapers, and movies and television programs that highlight and are educational to the population on global warming. I think that this is a good step forward to prevent global warming, but I do think more action should be taken on by everyone globally. There are other reasons why this winter was seasonally warmer, such as El Nino and changeing wind patterns, but I guess we’ll have to see next year whether this warming climate was a one-time thing or here to stay.

The Goldilocks Effect is the theory that reflects storybook character goldilocks, who was scratching for her porridge to be not too hot and not too cold. Scenists have applied this theory to Venus, Earth and Mars. Venus having raging heat, storms, and climate overall, making it "too hot", Mars having little life, and very cold temperatures, being "too cold" and Earth sitting right in between the two with the "just right" temperature.

This "just right" temperature is produced by Earth’s greenhouse-like atmosphere that protects from sunlight, and keeps the atmosphere warm to livable temperature. But, it is being theorized that this greenhouse that protects life could become too thick, eventually keeping too much heat on earth’s surface. This happens because the with a thinning ozone, more UV light can travel through to earth’s surface from the sun. Then there are the emissions and pollutants that humans produce, that in a sense create a blanket that won’t let heat back out and into the atmosphere. The conclusion from this is that by combing the above actions, will create a slow increase in earth’s temperature, and maybe, over a bunch of time, make earth an unlivable planet.

The NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, run by the US Department of Commerce. It is a federal agency that focuses on the condition of the aceans and the atmosphere. Their mission statement is " To understand and predict the changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage costal and marine resources to meet our nation’s economic, social and environmental needs." They are a supplier of environmental information products, a provider of environment stewardship services, a leader in applied scientific research that focus on ecosystems, climate, weather, water, commerce and transportation. For more information this is their home website:

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